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WOD 1:


8 min AMRAP:


10x burpees box jump

15x thrusters - med sit (20/30Kg)

20x push ups

25x rope jump

30x mountain climbers

WOD 2:


400m run - 15/20kg



Deadlift 30/50kg

Swing 12/16kg


400m run

WOD 3:


Agility run

Cut to 30

WOD 4:


5 min. to:

Find 5 rep max

- front squat

Cut to 18

WOD 4:



Every two minutes +2 reps
10x one leg burpees 5+5

10x push press 20/30 kg

10x ring revers push ups

10x Iagh's sit ups

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